Combi chamber SPM-1180

By combining years of experience with the latest techniques and technologies, Spako has developed a new combi chamber for the sausage-making butcher/butcher and small meat product companies in which all the essential processes such as drying, smoking, cooking, baking, decolorization, showering, and limited air conditioning can take place in a controlled manner.

Smoke Developers

This new chamber is available with a liquid smoke developer. This means less smoke and less tar resulting in a better product, less and easier cleaning, and better for your customers’ environment and health. The smoke liquid itself is available in various flavors, so you can choose the color and taste to your preference.

Completely new is the Touch Smoke combustion smoke developer. This is built into the door to save space. The operation is according to a simple principle. A wood can is heated on a ceramic plate, and smoke is created. The smoke is created at a low temperature and is recirculated. When the smoke is used up, we start a new cycle with a new cube.

Design and implementation

Besides the modern design, the chamber is made from durable materials with the latest welding and insulation techniques.


With the built-in fully automatic microprocessor TP 7.20 touchscreen, you can work with 100 programs in 20 steps terminated due to a set core temperature or step duration while controlling the measured room temperature. In addition, you can save the measured and set values via a P.C. The control system is user-friendly and shows the step- and product name during a program, and has an extended registration possible for the HACCP obligations.

Extended version

The room is standard equipped with:

  • A stepless speed control of the fan.
  • A pump cleaning.
  • Built-in shower and landing.
  • An environmentally friendly and compact liquid smoke developer can also be equipped on request with a combustion or friction smoke developer attached to the side of the chamber.

The trolley of a Spakomat-1180 is 80x74x150cm. (l x w x h) with a stick length of 80cm and 6 levels, while the Spakomat-1490 has a trolley of 90x74x170cm with a stick length of 90cm and 7 levels.

Kombikast SPM 1180